When it comes to start-ups, women are making some serious headway. The National Women’s Business Council reports that in the United States, women are now starting more companies than ever before. In fact, women-led startups are a growing part of the economy and have a lot to offer to both consumers and investors.
In the United States, there are an estimated 5.4 million women-owned businesses. That’s more than a three-fold increase over the last two decades and a significant part of the nation’s economy. Women have been a driving force in the creation of these new businesses and continue to play a role in advancing them. These women aren’t just working for themselves; they’re also creating jobs for other women.
One of the biggest challenges for female entrepreneurs is finding proper support to get their business off the ground. This could include mentorship from other female entrepreneurs, or a network of people that will help to provide a sounding board when the going gets rough. There are a number of nonprofit organizations that perform advocacy and also offer networking opportunities, including training sessions and conferences.

For example, there’s the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) which has many local chapters. The Small Business Administration (SBA) also oversees a program that sets aside federal contracts for women-owned businesses.
Another important thing for women considering a start-up is knowing what type of venture they want to launch. There are many different types of startups, but it’s important to remember that each entrepreneur will have their own unique path. Some will be more successful than others, but if there’s a good business idea behind it, that’s all that matters.여자창업아이템
Often, women entrepreneurs get their ideas from personal experience. For example, the founder of Agrowave, an agri-tech startup, was inspired to create the company after seeing her grandfather struggle with selling his produce. She wanted to solve this issue and give back to the farmers.
Other startups are tackling more universal problems faced by women. For example, Athena Club is a women-led start-up that offers an affordable and convenient subscription-based approach to menstrual products. Their products include tampons, pads, and liners, as well as feminine hygiene products. Then there’s the smart bodysuit in development called Artemis that is meant to reduce menstrual pain through micro-vibrations and heat.소자본1인창업
In addition, there’s Verge Genomics which is leveraging Artificial Intelligence to find potential drugs for diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson’s. The startup was launched in 2015 and came out of the YCombinator incubator. Finally, there’s Maven which is changing the way women manage their healthcare by being the first virtual clinic dedicated to women and their health. This start-up was founded in 2015 and has raised about $32 million in funding.