Reasons and solutions for scalp itching
Have you ever had an itchy scalp? Itchy scalp is a common symptom. Just changing your hair care habits improves scalp itching! Conversely, long-term symptoms can lead to seborrheic dermatitis, which involves both scalp keratin, inflammation, and itching.
If the whitening keratin and severe itching symptoms continue without subsiding, you may suspect seborrheic dermatitis. Let’s look at ways to improve scalp itching. There are many reasons why your scalp itches. First of all, there is a way to improve the itching by changing the ingredients to mild shampoo. Buying new natural shampoos and conditioners such as tea tree oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and zinc pyrithion may relieve itching.
Another improvement is to buy hair care products that do not contain fragrance. The fragrance added to the hair products may irritate the scalp and cause itching. If you look for a product labeled “No Flavor Added” and use it, the itching can be reduced. If it is difficult to find a product without flavor added? There is a way to purchase a product labeled “Low Flavor Added”. Source: Image Today How many times do you brush your hair a day?

Combing your hair with a brush or comb 2-3 times a day can relieve itching. Combing your hair with a clean, soft hairbrush promotes blood circulation and relieves scalp itching! In addition, lack of moisture can dry your skin and itch your scalp. If you do not get rid of itching, you should suspect seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disease that occurs in 1 to 3% of the population. The main symptom is that the scalp is itchy and red. 탈모 두피관리
If seborrheic dermatitis is severe, yellow oily dandruff may develop. Seborrheic dermatitis is more likely to recur chronically than to be cured, and people with severe symptoms should avoid aggravating factors. The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown, but it is known to be severe in stress, fatigue, and sleep deprivation. If you are stressed, sebum secretion increases and inflammation may worsen. Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis vary depending on the degree.
Mild patients have dandruff stretching or mild itching, but severe yellow or red acne everywhere, accompanied by severe itching. Rice bran is peeled off and oily dandruff is formed. It is a symptom that anyone can easily experience, so it is often not recognized as a disease. If left untreated, it can cause 탈모 hair loss.
These seborrheic dermatitis are symptomatic when they are well managed with shampoo or scalp care cosmetics, but they are only temporary, but they return to the wrong lifestyle again, and when they are exposed to external environmental influences, they often recur in a worse condition. If you feel suspicious symptoms such as itching or keratinization for a long time, it is better not to leave it or rely on temporary methods, but to find a cause and treatment method through a comprehensive examination.
Healthy scalp is also good for hair loss prevention. Let’s all try to be healthy scalp! Let’s try to be healthy hair!