Rhinitis is a common condition that causes inflammation of the nose, eyes and ear. The main symptoms of this inflammation are runny nose, nasal discharge, post-nasal drip and sneezing. Rhinitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, irritants and allergens. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are both effective treatments for rhinitis. These therapies are safe for anyone and they can be combined to achieve a more potent healing effect. These treatment modalities are also non-invasive, making them a great alternative to medications.비염한의원
The goal of oriental medicine is to rebalance a patient’s “qi” or life energy. The practitioner views the entire person in their entirety, and a holistic diagnosis is obtained by examining the person through various diagnostic procedures like checking the pulse and tongue. This is done in order to view all the complex patterns of imbalance or disharmony that are present in the body. These patterns will then indicate what steps the practitioner needs to take in order to restore a state of health and balance to a patient.
Acupuncture has been proven in controlled trials to be an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis*. In fact, the use of acupuncture along with Chinese herbs and dietary advice can help balance the immune system to eliminate the allergies that cause this annoying inflammation of the nose.
While many people turn to antihistamines and decongestants for relief of rhinitis, these medications can be dangerous for long-term use and they only provide temporary relief. This is why more and more medical facilities are now integrating eastern medicines into their practice. If you are interested in becoming an oriental medicine practitioner, National University of Health Sciences has a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine degree program that offers a strong foundation in western medical science. This will allow you to speak the same language as your MD, DO or DC colleagues and help them understand the types of treatment options you can offer them and their patients.
*In the case of allergic rhinitis, a single treatment of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine has been shown to be significantly more effective than oral antihistamines or decongestants in clinical trials.* This is based on the fact that it treats the root of the problem rather than just masking the symptoms with drugs.
Whether you are dealing with an allergic rhinitis or a non-allergic type of rhinitis, an oriental medicine clinic can offer the relief that you need. With the right training, you can become an acupuncturist or Chinese herbal medicine specialist who is well equipped to treat both chronic and acute conditions like rhinitis with natural therapies that are safe for all ages. Contact NUHS today to learn more about our Master of Science in Oriental Medicine degree program. This course will prepare you to serve as an integral member of any healthcare team.라경찬한의원